Blackberry perfection

Sue Kearney
4 min readAug 20, 2022

I’ve found the perfect place to pick blackberries.

If you’ve never had the chance to eat a sun-warmed blackberry (and a few dozen of its friends), you’ve missed out on a truly yummy and remarkably delightful set of sensations.

You may be wondering what qualifies me to give my blackberry spot 5 out of 5 stars.

I’m a pro, yo.

  • I’ve been picking California blackberries for over 20 years. My sister taught me how. She’d take me to her spots in the Oakland hills.

I wait all year to do this. To stand in the sunshine, popping warm sweetness into my mouth, in a summer moment. Moments to savor.

  • I’ve learned where blackberries grow and how to find them. In Sonoma County where I live, blackberries border most creeks. We’ve got a lot of creeks. I’ve developed eyes for these berries, and can identify them in the winter (not an impressive skill; they’re pretty unique-looking).
Blackberry thorns. Ouch.
Blackberry thorns. Nasty AF and ouch!
  • I’ve got quite the blackberry game — the right tools and the right clothes. Blackberries gonna try to take you out with their sharp AF thorns while they’re staining you with their paint. I wear pants and socks that cover my ankles and a long-sleeve shirt that covers my wrists. Even wearing dark pants and…



Sue Kearney

I mentor and encourage for women who want more joy and freedom, less stress. More creative flow, less angst. At your age. In your body. In the world as it is.